It's been a fun ride, and the journey hasn't ended, yet. In fact, we're not even close. Ever since THE CAIN LETTERS debuted as an ebook and just recently became available in paperback on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, word spreading like wildfire of the mytho-religious and visceral vampire thriller about the hunter herself, Alexandra Glade, is a veritable understatement. This wildfire is beyond earthly restraint.
So it's time to pull some dark thoughts out of the minds of many on Twitter that have crawled into the space that is the account here (which, by the way, Alexandra's got her own Twitter right here, too!), wanting to pick those brains (not literally, thank God) and find out what really terrifies the masses.
This Is Going to Be a Twitter Chat About Horror -- The Sounds That Go Bump in the Night
Hosted by yours truly, of course. I enjoy the dialogue. I want to know what freaks you out.
Prepare for the Twitter Chat, as you may notice the hashtag #ChatAboutHorror. That's me. I'm going to be asking some wicked questions. Like a "Truth or Dare" but with a razor blade. And it'll start tomorrow at 12PM EST, sharp. Not a second late or early. Prepare for some serious tweets, kids!
It will surely promote the ever-increasing talk about our latest vampire thriller THE CAIN LETTERS, of course, and the coming release of book II, CHIMERA FALLS, but without a doubt, think of this Twitter Chat as nothing more than a celebration of the horror genre. I've celebrated it on Google+ here and here, and you might've seen me lurking in the depths of Facebook here and here.
But now it's time for Twitter to feel the shadows. Prepare. #ChatAboutHorror
Great article!!