Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hours Away From THE CAIN LETTERS Debut All Over the World!

It's happening. It's reeeaaaally happening. Soon all will absorb the saga starting with THE CAIN LETTERS, that petrifying genesis of a dark soul emanating from some pit of despair like a waking vampiric giant. Scary, right?

And Here's a Quick Update on When You'll ACTUALLY Be Able to Buy It Anywhere (Google Play, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, etc. etc.)

I originally set it for the 18th right on midnight, but there's a possibility that it will be later. And other retailers will be even later. So I'll keep you posted. That's the name of the game in the literary industry.

I'm not worried, however. It's on its way as we speak. Soon you'll be able to pop in on Amazon, B&N, or Google Play, and purchase the ebook. It most definitely will be ready for purchase before Christmas.

But Also Keep in Mind....

My special little promotion will still be in effect: 49 cents, that's all it will take.... And you can get the ebook right now. Simply leave a comment with your email, and I'll invoice you for payment. Upon payment, the ebook you shall receive, both in Kindle and epub formats.

Sound good? Good. Act now. Or you can wait until it's available everywhere! Your choice.

Whatever your choice, though, I'm happy to have you as a reader. Stop in at my author Facebook page as well as THE CAIN LETTERS page, and drop in at the Google+ profile, book and author pages also. I await your presence within the darkness....

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