So, first off, I’d like to thank the amazingly talented author Pierre Roustan for asking me to guest blog here today. If you haven’t read the Cain Letters you really need to. (I have!) and they’re amazing! I can’t wait for the next installment. (My Kindle is waiting Pierre!!!)
I’m so happy to be here!
It’s been an exciting week for me. Just yesterday, my story “Simon’s Fate” which is a novel of The Strange Hollow released with Liquid Silver Books. For any of you who don’t know, and have somehow missed The Strange Hollow authors doing promo for this world, let me tell you what it is!
Strange Hollow is a place for the extraordinary to become ordinary. Odd shifters, powerless witches and vegan vampires feel free to apply. Outcasts welcome, elitists will be eaten on sight.
All residents of Strange Hollow are misfits and rejects. From mixed shifters to dragons without the ability to breathe fire to a chameleon shifter who’s colorblind. These residents have been shoved from their packs, prides, clutch and covens. They have been searching for a new place to call home. That place is Strange Hollow. Be loved for who you are and become comfortable with who you aren’t.
Are You Strange?
Strange Hollow is a world that Liquid Silver authors share. If you are already published with LSB, you can submit a story and, if you’re lucky, have it contracted for publication. To be counted with Celia Kyle, Marisa Chenery, Selena Illyria, Sandra Sookoo, and Vivian Arend was something I wanted very badly.
Of course when I read this description, I was immediately intrigued and even more excited when Liquid Silver picked up Simon’s Fate and agreed to publish it.
Here is my story:
Moira has lived in Strange Hollow for almost a year, unable to touch anyone, lest she should see their future. Moira is a former Fate who chose to leave her job, not liking the competitive, outlandish destinies the Fates were bestowing on humanity. Always nervous, she is accepted but lonely. That is, until she stumbles upon Simon who is hiding in the basement of the Strange Hollow Visitor’s Center. A vampire, Simon is on the run from his brothers, but hampered by his blood phobia, which makes him pass out at either the sight or smell of it–a difficult situation for a vampire to find himself in.
Together the two will discover that with just a little help from the person you love, anything is possible–especially in Strange Hollow.
In any case, I was recently having a conversation with another writer about how much I love the whole process of getting a book published in the e-publishing world. Well. Maybe LOVE is actually too big a world.
Waiting to hear back on submissions is hard.
Getting a gulp—Rejection—is hard.
But let's say that you get accepted (as I was thrilled to be with Simon’s Fate) then the process that starts then is fantastic.
I love edits. Maybe I’m odd but I am a writer, right? I love the back and forth exchange, I love the way the book seems to glow after it’s been polished up by someone as dedicated to the story as I am.
I love receiving cover art. I love seeing the representation of my work done by an artist. I love it.
And I love Release Day.
Who wouldn’t? If you’re writer who chooses to publish your work you have the desire to see someone else read it.
Anyway, I’d like to thank Pierre for letting me come here today and talk about Simon’s Fate with all of you.
Am I alone? Does anyone else LOVE the whole process of publication, even the edits?
Absolutely terrific post, Becca, and I thank you for being a guest here. And thanks for the wonderful words of praise. I'm right there with you on all the praise of the publication process. Amen.